Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Faves

I forgot to do Friday Faves last week so I'm treating you to a double dose of Friday Faves. Recruitment weekend had already gotten the best of me on Friday so I wasn't able to post.

1. Kate
My tiny little rock Kate kept me sane last weekend and all this week. She even brought me flowers! I just can't get over how precious she is and I just love her to bits.

2. The Alpha Taus
The Taus are here! Finally! I don't think my chapter could be any more excited. We love us some new girls like a fat kid loves cake. It was like Christmas morning. Welcome to our 28 gorgeous new sisters!

3. My Chapter
Look at those gorgeous sisters! We rocked preference and I could not be more proud of every single sister who made it all possible. I have never been so happy to be an AST!

4. Joe
As usual, Joe takes amazing care of me and I am so happy to have him as a friend.

5. Subway... no more. I quit my job this week. Which is actually a good thing. I just feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'd rather be poor for a bit than hate my life because of a job. I have my whole life to work but only these years with my friends to have a lot of fun and not worry about kids or spouses or big kid jobs.

6. Teavana
I have another interview! I made it clear on my application that I'm only looking for about 25 hours and I now have day time availability so hopefully I have a better experience this time around. I'm pretty excited about this one because I've been interested in tea for a while so this might be a chance to learn a lot.

7. Snackers
Om nom nom snackers always makes for a good week!

8. V8 V-Fusion + Energy
If you don't normally like energy drinks, give this a try. I got them for the crazy recruitment weekend and they were just enough energy to keep me going but they didn't make me shake like other energy drinks do. Plus they are so so yummy!

9. My amazing roommate, her boyfriend, and having the car fixed!
Brandi's boyfriend Aaron fixed my car this week! No more check engine light! Better gas mileage! Woot!

10. Retail Therapy
Doctor Who love and a birthday gift for the nephew made for a great afternoon at the mall!

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