Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Faves

So here we are again. Sometimes, it's hard to come up with 5 things about your week that are actually positive. Like this week. When I spent a lot of time doing things I'd been dreading to get ready to go back to school. So here is the list... It took a while but it just goes to show you there are 5 good things about every week.

1. Subway
 Thanks to Subway, I may actually be a tiny bit less poor soon. I got a call yesterday morning about an interview on Monday morning. So hopefully all goes well and I won't starve to death!

2. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings
Watching two American teams compete for gold and knowing that we would be up on the medal stand twice? Pretty cool. Watching Misty and Kerri's reaction to winning their third gold medal together? Freakin' epic. They are really cool chicks and I can't wait to watch Kerri compete in Rio in 2016. Might be a little hard to see her compete with someone else but for now I'll just remember when Kerri started dancing in the sand.

3. Go On
Some people may be upset that NBC cut their prime time Olympic coverage to show a commercial-free preview of Matthew Perry's new show Go On. I am not one of those people. The show was hilarious! A genius move on NBC's part because I wouldn't have watched it except I was too lazy to find something else and I didn't want to miss any Olympic coverage. Now, I can't wait for this show to come out because it is just so darn funny.

4. Blueberries
Joe and I have gone blueberry picking twice in the last month and this time we made some delicious blueberry crumble. I'll share the recipe later this week. It was so yummy with some vanilla ice cream!

5. My new Vera Bradley Planner
I got my new Vera planner this week and it makes me so excited for the new semester. There is nothing better than a brand new planner waiting for my notes all over it! So excited!

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