Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Bucket List

For those of you who have poked around the blog a little, I've been doing bucket lists since I began. It's not that I think I'm going to die. This blog began as a project to do more and try more and not waste my college years studying and doing nothing else. I started creating bucket lists as more of a list of goals I wanted to accomplish in the next few months. I decided when I was working on the summer bucket list that this will be it for the bucket lists for now. It's not that I don't enjoy working on my bucket lists. It's just that I want to be freer to accomplish new things and try different things with the blog. Maybe I spend the entire month of November making soup. Maybe I find new things that I'm already doing without noticing. Maybe I start blogging about sorority land more. But for now we will talk about summer.

Summer might be the best season for the amazing that is Jen and Joe. We just have a lot of fun when we aren't doing stuff for school. This bucket list got excessive. There was no lack of ideas but these are the top ten ideas. They are the perfect balance of pushing ourselves to do things we're always saying we are going to do and things we already know we love. Because this will be my last, I am going to really push to accomplish everything on the list. There is always one or two things that don't make it but not this time. So get ready for an awesome summer!

If you want to check out all the bucket lists, here they are:

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