Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday Writings

Remember last week when I dream cast The Importance of Being Earnest? Well this week I'm trying again. This time with a novel.

Dream Cast "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath

Esther Greenwood:
Protagonist and narrator, Esther is a college student who is both pretty and talented but deals with mental illness. I chose Emma Watson because I think she could play the descent into mental illness well. I think it would be a more serious role and so different from the powerful female girls she played in The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Harry Potter. I think it will be really hard to play Esther in a way that we would still root for her because if you don't understand mental illness, it can come off whiny but I think Emma would do a great job.

Mrs. Greenwood:
Esther's mother lives a difficult life since her husband died. She is practical and teaches shorthand and typing. She doesn't understand Esther but she loves her. I chose Laura Linney because I think she could play a mother that you believe is just trying her best with a daughter she doesn't understand but still has that slightly cold edge of the mother that really doesn't understand.

Buddy Willard:
Esther's boyfriend who is athletic, smart, and in medical school. Values traditional gender roles and doesn't understand Esther's love of poetry. He is everything that Esther feels she should want but doesn't. Armie Hammer has that really clean cut, all American look to him. I think he would play that sweet guy you could understand why she wants to want him but still he just doesn't seem right for her. Plus I think he looks just old enough compared to Emma Watson that you could understand why she feels inadequate around him.

Doctor Nolan:
Esther's psychiatrist at the mental hospital. She become a loving, nurturing surrogate mother for Esther and really understands her unusual thought process. Emily Deschanel could play the young, unconventional psychiatrist well. Plus I think she could be really believable is as Emma Watson's confidant. She could play an understanding but removed doctor.

Esther's friend in New York. Doreen is southern, blonde, witty, and cynical. She represents the rebel that Esther wishes she could be but can't fully become. When I was reading the Bell Jar, I couldn't quite understand why Esther likes Doreen. I feel like Hayden Panettiere would be that for Emma Watson. You can see why she she thinks she wants to be Doreen but not why they are friends. Hayden could play this pretty young woman who seems to get everything so easily.

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