Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Faves

Finally, finally the school year from hell is over. To quote Rebecca Martinson, of sorority email rant fame, it has been "a rough fucking ride." But it is over and done. I am going into my last year of school. 36 credits and I can move on to my endless list of ways to change the world. So now I can promise happier, better Friday Faves.

1. Peer Research Consultant
I got an email this week offering me a position as a Peer Research Consultant in the Knowledge Market in the new library they are finishing building over the summer. The Knowledge Market is a new feature of the library that will include students specialized in writing, research, and speaking to help other students for free. I am incredibly excited to take a position and did a happy dance when I got the email.

2. Family Dinner at Uccello's
We celebrated the end of the semester, Grace's graduation, and Emily going to Spain next fall with some delicious pasta at Uccello's. I will miss Grace and Emily but I am very happy for both of them. Mary Kate, Claire and I will have a blast in the fall and I knew when I took my little sisters that they would have to grow up at some point. It was nice having some time with them before everyone disperses for the summer. Luckily, I will have Claire around all summer.

3. Fresh Starts
Like I said, the end of the semester ends the longest year of my life and marks the beginning of my undergraduate years. I am so ready for the fresh start and knowing it is my last chance, I am so ready to get started with my summer classes. It's time to go hard at those last 36 credits. I said that this year would be different and I mean it.

4. WeDoist
Jessica and I found this great site where you can create a to-do list with other people and check it off as you go. You can chat with other people, comment on their tasks, and create new lists. In case you didn't know this about me and Jessica, we're pretty dependent on each other to be productive. We cheer each other on and commiserate when we don't get as much done as we want to. And Jessica teaches me that parenting steals a little of your soul.

5. Chicken Pot Pie
I'm too lazy to go take a picture, sorry. But trust me, it was amazing. Literally, the most delicious pot pie I've ever had. Once you make this, you will never buy frozen pot pies from the store again. And again, I'm sorry that there is no picture to substantiate my claims but you're just going to have to trust me on this one. I'll blog about it later, mmk?


  1. Can I add a Friday Fave? That email. I hadn't heard of it before you mentioned it but I googled it and it was funny. Thanks for including an Easter egg Friday Fave this week!

  2. Watch this reading of it. I can't stop laughing!
