Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Writings

Something you had that was stolen

At the end of my sister's pregnancy, I packed a bag so that when she went into labor, I would have everything I would need without having to rush around my apartment. I had a couple DVDs in there in case we were there a long time, my camera and the charger, my car charger for my phone, and a couple of outfits so I would have clean clothes no matter how long I decided to stay in town. I left it in my back seat and forgot about it. We had a couple of false alarms and I drove down only to come right back home. One weekend, I went to Joe's to go to a wedding with him. I left my bag in the car as usual. Joe moved my car into his garage and I remember asking him if he locked my car and he said no one would come into the garage so I let it go. On our way to the wedding, we noticed the garage door was open and a bike that was there was gone. We didn't think anything of it. The next day, when we walked out to my car, we noticed the door was open and the car's battery was dead. While Joe was getting ready to jump my car, I looked behind my seat to notice my hospital bag was gone. I was devastated. It wasn't so much that I lost all those clothes or the DVDs or anything. It was more about having someone in my space and think they deserved my stuff more than me. I am just a poor college student. I stayed over night at Joe's instead of going home because I was so upset. The next morning my sister went into labor and my nephew was born that night. I wasn't wearing clean clothes and it didn't matter.

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