Thursday, April 4, 2013

How To Clean Your Stove Top

Boys are kinda gross. Well, my house isn't much cleaner than a boy's but that's because I live with two girls who act like boys. So anyways, I was helping Joe clean his kitchen and this is what his stove looked like when I started.

Can you say ew? Yeah. Don't ask me what that brown goo in the middle is but it was very hard and scrubbing was getting me know where. I remembered that white vinegar is used for cleaning a lot so I poured some of that on and then I was like what the hell, I've seen pinterest posts use baking soda so I poured some of that on. Which was really fun by the way. And I let that sit for a few minutes. It didn't clean everything but it did make it easier to get most of it up. I have other plans to try other products because I'm determined to make it look like boys never touched it. It left the caked on stuff that is right around the burner but it got all the big stuff up. See?

The actual grey burners need to be cleaned and as you can see on the front left burner, there is still some caked on stuff but I have plans of attack with some harsher chemicals so I'll let you know how that goes!

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