Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DIY Tank Top

My biggest boy pet peeve? Muscle shirts. And women wearing a boy's muscle shirt with a sports bra. But I get the appeal. It's cooler and easier to move in. But I don't want to wear a shirt that looks like it belongs to a boy. And tank tops made for women are usually too tight. When we went to Cedar Point last summer, I made one of these tank tops and I absolutely love it. I used one of Joe's that was stained and he was going to throw away anyways.
  1. Cut off the arms and neck. Cut them a little deeper that just the seam.
  2. Turn the shirt over and cut a little deeper just off the back of the neck and the arms.
  3. Using part of the shirt that you cut off, pull a strip through both sleeves and tie a double knot.
If you're like me and you don't like working out in just a bra, this is a great option. There are a lot of other variations on the internet. I have two more of Joe's old shirts to work with so I might try something different with the next one. 

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